Paranormal Stories
Tales of the paranormal have seduced us and spooked us for centuries, passed around from person to person and frequently retold and reimagined in books, films and TV.
True Crime Stories
Did you hear about London's Victorian, all-female gang? What about the Great Canadian Maple Syrup Heist? Do you know the story of the killer nun?
Unsolved Mysteries
Did you hear about the woman who died inside a tree? What about the legend of the Beast of Bodmin Moor? Do you know that UFOs flew over Belgium?
Stories of the Occult
This spine-chilling compendium of strange and supernatural happenings from across the globe is essential reading, whether you're an occult enthusiast or simply curious.
Conspiracy Theories
Where did the Coronavirus outbreak originate and was the pandemic predicted? Did aliens help to build the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid of Giza, and what were they trying to tell us? Is the food industry colluding to make us addicted to sugar?